Coaching and Mobile Mentoring for Refugee Educators Course...Accomplished

I have just finished this 6-week amazing course on coaching and mentoring of teachers in crisis contexts. It was organized by the Carey Institute for Global Good and led by Amazing Dr Rosemary Arca. I really did enjoy it.

The Course explores how to coach refugee educators; discusses coaching methods and routines that support faculty including examples of effective lessons, weekly messages and lesson comments; and include discussion on reflective practice and provide strategies to support faculty as they learn and implement the practice to deepen reflection on their work. Learning facilitator: Professor Emerita Rosemary Arca, author of the Coaching Field Guide for the City University of New York (CUNY) Reflective Practice Institute. 

The course's learning objectives:

The framing questions are:
1. What is reflective coaching and why is it a powerful tool?
2. What expertise leads to successful coaching?
3. How is skill in the craft of coaching developed?
4. What activities enrich a coaching relationship?
5. When do coaches intervene, triage or nudge toward change?
6. How do coaches themselves grow and innovate?


Assessment in this course models the collaboration and contributions used in successful communities of practice. It is both formative and summative and provides practice in reflection and inquiry.
Each participant in the course is assessed in three ways:
1. Regular and active participation in discussions (Circles)
2. Contributions to Circle Activities
3. Completion of the Closing Loop Reflection in the lessons
