MIKTA EIE Challenge Advisory Panel Member
MIKTA is an innovative partnership that brings together Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea (ROK), Turkey, and Australia. It is a consultative forum, aimed at advancing members’ shared interests in an international system that is fit for purpose in the 21st Century.
What is the Education in Emergencies Challenge?
The challenge is a global call for ideas to begin to source new solutions to the delivery of education in emergency situations, particularly focused on girls.
Who could apply?
Innovators from across the world – but, particularly from Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia – to submit ideas that have the potential to make a big impact. We welcome submissions from individuals, universities, NGOs, the private sector or any other entity.
What does “Education in Emergencies” mean and why is this an important problem?
Emergencies have a devastating impact on the structure and effectiveness of education systems in crisis-affected countries. They can trigger closures and disruption to schooling, lead to degraded quality of teaching and cause physical destruction or damage to school infrastructure. Often, in emergencies, children’s education needs are eclipsed by more urgent threats to life such as basic health, sanitation, nutrition requirements and physical security. Girls are disproportionately impacted in these situations.
What was the role of the Advisory Panel Members?
Advisory Panel Members were asked to
(1) help the ideas that have been submitted for the Challenge to grow and
(2) provide feedback within the two weeks frame (review Phase of the Challenge) that will inform our eventual top idea selection process.
Members were:
Experts who combined ICT4E and passion and expertise in the field of EiE
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