About Me

I am an Independent Consultant in the field of "Education in Emergencies". I have an over 15 years experience in the MENA region, in the field of teaching, teacher training, curriculum development and instructional design with specific interest and postgraduate studies related to education in emergencies' (EiE) with a specific focus on the use of ICT in conflict and post-conflict contexts, I am as well interested in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of educational initiatives. 

I recently finalized a UNHCR consultancy (Accelerated Education Research – MENA region). I looked into the educational challenges of out-of-school Syrian refugees and assessed the AEPs provided in 5 countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. This included both remote data gathering and field trips. An earlier consultancy for War Child Holland aimed to map curriculum of Sudan, Syria and Lebanon to replicate an ICT-based learning game for Syrian out-of-school refugee children. 

I have a Postgraduate  & Master degree in Online Education from University of Southern Queensland, that I accomplished totally online. Additionally, I am a trained EPICT e-Tutor (European License for “Pedagogy in ICT”). 

I have founded and managed the 'Online Training Unit' of MediaInternational, the first Arabic online trainig provider for adult learners (2004-2006). This included tasks of transforming curricula and activities from the conventional format to an interactive, media-rich and constructive learning product. Work included drafting of story boards, allocating suitable material (some from scratch), recruiting, training and managing a team of e-moderators, monitoring and evaluation of programmes. Budget-management, communication and awareness campaigns were all part of that job. 

I am currently enrolled in a PhD programme (Lancaster University) studying the potential empowerment of Syrian refugees via blended learning. To get an idea about my research, click here. 

Still want to know more, visit my Linkedin
