ICT Inventory for Education in Emergencies!.... finally launched

The INEE Technology Task Team is pleased to announce the launch of the
ICT Inventory for Education in Emergencies!

The ICT Inventory is an interactive, online database of technology resources for delivering quality education in emergencies. The ICT Inventory curates technology tools that are, or can be, used to deliver education, as well as projectswhere education technology is used in crisis contexts.
While other education and edtech portals exist, the ICT Inventory fills a gap with its focus on education in emergencies; and it is unique in its crowdsourced nature, responsive and interactive design, and comprehensive categorization structure.

The goal of the ICT Inventory is to make it easy to find and share useful tools and real world examples of technology use in crisis contexts.

This website is designed primarily for educators and education in emergencies providers, as well as education technology developers; and we expect it will also be useful to students, researchers, donors, and many others. Registered users (free) can upload new content, as well as rate and comment on existing content.
Search and Find
All ICT Inventory users can freely search the database by keyword, or browse with the help of comprehensive category filters to find relevant tools and projects.
Tools included in the ICT Inventory range from online educational resources that support formal education for children to social media and mobile phones for vocational and professional development for adult learners, among many others. Project areas include the use of digital games for teaching and learning; blended and online higher education programs; the provision of offline internet in remote and post-disaster areas; teacher professional development and remote coaching via mobile phones; and more.  
The ICT Inventory it is an up-to-date reflection - a landscape, if you will - of work being done by an extensive network of people, organizations, governments, and corporations focused on supporting teaching and learning in crisis contexts.
And this is where YOU come in!
We invite you to use, share, and contribute to this website - it is a truly crowdsourced endeavor that gets better with more use and more users.
Contributing to the ICT Inventory is as easy as 1-2-3!
  1. Register (it’s free!) - ict.ineesite.org/register
  2. Click the Upload link, choose Tool or Project - ict.ineesite.org/upload
  3. Complete the form - Submit!
Contributing to this website helps bridge the knowledge gap between beneficiaries, educators, developers, aid workers, and funders who are trying to maximize limited resources in the face of humanitarian crisis. Content guidelines can be found here. Thank you in advance for your contributions!
This website is a product of the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), and is managed by the INEE Technology and Education in Crises Task Team.
